Tools Used: 
  • Excel (PivotTables, Statistical Analysis), Data Wrangling, Data Visualization

  • Conducted a time-series analysis of US crude oil imports to identify long-term trends, seasonal fluctuations, and key drivers of oil supply variations. 
  • Developed interactive data visualizations and summary statistics to analyze changes in monthly and yearly import volumes.  

Data & Methodology: 
  • Integrated multi-source crude oil import datasets from public energy data repositories, ensuring data consistency and accuracy.
  • Performed data cleaning and transformation in Excel, structuring raw data for statistical modeling. 
  • Applied PivotTables and segmentation techniques to analyze regional import trends and country-specific contributions.

Key Analysis & Insights: 
  • Time-series trend analysis.
  • Found notable fluctuations due to geopolitical and economic factors. 
  • Visualized regional & country based import breakdown. 

US Crude Oil Imports- Time-Series Analysis & Trend Forecasting