Tools Used:
  • Tableau, R (ggplot2), Excel, Data Cleaning, Data Visualization

  • Conducted an exploratory data analysis of US hospital performance metrics using CMS provider data to identify trends in hospital quality ratings, ownership type, and regional disparities. 

Data & Methodology: 
  • Utilized the 2023 CMS Hospital General Information dataset (CSV format) to analyze hospital star ratings across ownership types and geographic locations.
  • Processed and cleaned data in Excel, structuring it for statistical analysis and dashboard development.

Key Visualizations & Insights: 
  • Developed an interactive Tableau heatmap to visualize average hospital star ratings by state, using a color gradient.
  • Created a boxplot in R (ggplot2) to compare hospital ownership types vs hospital star ratings.
  • Designed bar charts in R to analyze hospital performance.

Hospital Star Rating Analysis & Visualization-CMS Provider Data Using Excel, Data Cleaning, and Data Visualization